Obsecration (Latin  obsecratus  (past participle of obsecrare  to supplicate) - härras palve - умилостивление Бога (a supplicatory prayer )

Onesimus - Oneesimos - Онисим (Apostle of the Seventy in his youth was a servant of Philemon, a Christian living in the city of Colossae, Phrygia. He fled his master but as a runaway slave he wound up in prison where he encountered the Apostle Paul, was enlightened by him, and was baptized. After the death of the holy apostles he preached the Gospel in many lands and cities: in Spain, Carpetania, Colossae, Patras. In the year 109 eparch Tertillus had him stoned, then beheaded the saint with a sword)

Ordinance - kiriku sakrament - церковное таинство (the blessed ordinance - armulaud - таинство причастия)

Orthodox grandmother's day - Õigeusu vanaemadepäev - День православной бабушки (on the day of memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga - the grandmother of the Baptist (Great Prince Vladimir) of Kievan Rus)

"Orthodox product", a brand - "Õigeusklik toode" - "Православный продукт" (the products like butter, cheese, milk and others blessed by the Russian Orthodox Church (Stavropol diocese) as environmentally friendly products, without GMOs and thickeners)